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Comparing phosphorus supplements for livestock 

By Susannah McInnerney  /  Published on Dec 06, 2022

As requirements for Phosphorus increases during the wet season, it is important to provide cattle with supplements. There are several diverse types of wet season supplements available on the market and pastoralists should consider them with regards to cost, intake, practicality and percent of Phosphorus. 

Below, we'll discuss the different types of phosphorous supplements available, the pros and cons of each option and how to calculate their cost per head.
Loose Lick Supplements:

Loose lick supplements are one option, normally lower in cost per head per day and price per tonne compared to blocks, however if left uncovered during heavy rain they may leech nutrients.

It’s recommended that by placing the loose lick into a covered trough it will reduce water damage. As less manufacturing and processing is involved in loose lick the potential for Phosphorus inclusion is quite high.

Block Supplements:

Blocks options are high in price per tonne but are less labour intensive as they can be put out and left to the elements.

The Phosphorus inclusion of blocks can vary as high levels of other ingredients including salt and molasses are needed to set the blocks. 

When comparing products, the following equation will work out c/head/day:

  • $/tonne/1000/1000 x intake e.g.: $1000+GST/1000/1000 x 100 grams intake= $0.10/head/day
  • 14% Phosphorus loose lick: $1350/1000/1000 x 90 grams= $0.12
  • 15% Phosphorus blocks: $2000/1000/1000 x 75 grams= $0.15

Although the loose lick is cheaper per head per day, the cost of labour and vehicle usage must also be considered when working out which supplement is best suited to your station.

Water Supplementation:

Supplementation through the water is also an option however during the wet season there is surface water available, and cattle may not be drinking from the troughs, therefore not getting access to the Phosphorus.

Depending on the requirements of your station and cattle, Northern Stock Water can supply loose lick supplements, blocks and water supplementation. For more information,please contact our Animal Nutritionist Susannah on (08) 8971 1293 or